An update to my post on 6th September 2021
There’s a lot of discussion amongst historians over whether Shakespeare died of Tuberculosis. TB? or not TB? That is the question.
If you don’t knock any doors no one is going to open them. I pitched my book idea to the BBC and got a fantastic reply from the head of comedy. I could see it as a TV series before it being a published book. I tried flogging this to them and even though they liked it, it was suggested that it becomes a book first. I of course knew this is the way it goes most of the time. But I also believe in it happening in the unconventional way. You never know right. I guess as it is a TV series in my head because I see it being acted out as I write it. Saying that, I have never written it to be on TV, I just had a ‘give it a go’ moment, which transpired into a few emails back and for to the Beeb. One day when people stop watching the BBC, I am sure they will come knocking on my door. Hopefully it won’t be that people stop watching the BBC because they came knocking on my door.
As I said, I am going to test it with TV companies all over the world and still try and get it published. The littlest of feedback good or bad will always be worth it.
Saturday was another great bouncy happy time at the new outdoor market and live music weekly event in Charles Street Cardiff.https://www.instagram.com/charlesstreetmarket/?hl=en-gb I will attach some videos. Brain Parry of Ebbw vale Acoustic club knocked out some belters as people shopped. https://www.youtube.com/user/ebbwvalefolkclub. The sun shone warmly again, and the vibe was great. Stall holders doing a great trade.
Sunday found me relaxing at the bay again and on the way home I bumped into a rock band busking and promoting themselves in the middle of town. Had a chat with the lead singer and hopefully we will se them play at the market in a couple of weeks.
Ok, now you can get back to whatever you were doing before I rudely interrupted you.
Click the links for the music vids. Too large to post.