Firstly I should point out that the photo of spices was taken by me, yeah, taken from another website that allows you to download such pictures. As a photo of sauce would be boring. I will however, be taking pics of what I cook shortly. Meanwhile, this is what you need to chuck together to blow your pants off. Of course , if you’re not a hero like me, you can tone the amount of oomph you add.
Here’s what you will need, lets call them the IN GREEDYANTS:
Serves 4 or 1 depending how hungry you are.
1 Parsnip
3 Carrots
2 medium size potatoes
2 large onions
1 apple
1 Broccoli stem
As many cloves of garlic you can handle.
1 tin of tomatoes or 5 vine tomatoes.
1/4 tube of tomato paste
1 stock cube
4 large tablespoons of Madras curry powder
2 Large tablespoons of Garam masala( powder form or whole seed mix)
2 Tablespoons of Chili powder
4 Fresh chilies of your choice. The hotter the better.
Peel any veg and roughly chop them up. Chuck them into a pan with a dash of oil on a high heat for 5 minutes , stirring now and then.
Throw in all the spices. Mix until the it coats the veg and stir for a couple of minutes.
Bang in the tin of tomatoes ( be sure to just use the contents only as the metal will take ages to break down. Years probably).
Add the tomato paste, mix. Add water to the pan. Almost to the top. Keep an eye on it while it comes to the boil. Turn the heat down to a simmer and leave for 90 minutes. Topping up with a bit of water now and then. You are looking for the sauce to condense down to around half on the pan. Leave to cool down and blend the crap out of it with a hand electric mixer or blender till its nice and smooth. Fold in a drizzle of olive of veg oil at the end. Freeze or keep it in your fridge ( 4 days max ) until ready to use or both. Split it up. Heat the sauce up and add it to any meat or veg curry. Add a 1/4 cup of water as the sauce will be very thick.
Remember , the in greedy ants can be played around with and quantities varied. Just have fun.