Is this Perhaps the Most Important Page on my Site?
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Over thinking mind
Seriously! I would rather poke a fork in my eye. How on earth can you chill out and meditate on a slab of rock like that? My mind would be on everything else but the present. I would shit myself if I heard the slightest crack. What if the wind suddenly got up?
Talk about the mind boggling, I wonder what else she uses that dungeon for?
There we go! My kind of meditation. No climbing up rock faces or getting ribbon up your crack in order to balance. Losing your balance on red wine with a mouthful of cheddar is what Buddah says.
Joking aside, I believe that you get into mindfulness because you feel that there is something else out there to experience . We don’t all go through life skipping , smiling and feeling super thankful for every blade of grass and tree. We discover mindfulness because we want to have some more calm in our lives
Is this perhaps the most important page on my site?
This page is my mind trip blog. I will spill the beans on where I was and where I am now as far as mental health goes. I will share how I got back from dark places and what I do to keep myself in ; as my son says ‘The Middle Place’. Not expecting to be happy twenty-four seven , as when things go wrong, there is further to fall. I have learnt a great deal of how to manage overthinking and being drawn in by the mind stream. Just as much as the other stuff on my site, I am going to enjoy the journey of sharing it with you. Some super dooper insights of how to mange the shit that sometimes gets in the way of living life to the full.
I also intend to include some guided meditation and body scan audios in the very near future.
If you want to take a step in the direction of not letting overthinking run your life, here are some books and audio mindfulness meditation links that I recommend that you read and listen to. If you want to take a step in the direction of not letting overthinking run your life, give them a go.
‘Wherever You Go There You Are’.
Jon Kabat Zinn.
This was the man who set it all out for me in an easy to read book. He puts everything into perspective and starts the process in your head that we are really spending to much time thinking. Here is the Amazon blurb:
The international bestselling mindfulness guide.
Mindfulness is considered the heart of Buddhist meditation. But its essence is universal and of deep practical benefit to everyone. In Wherever You Go, There You Are, Jon Kabat-Zinn maps out a simple path for cultivating mindfulness in our lives, and awakening us to the unique beauty and possibilities of each present moment.
Since its first publication in 1994 (as Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners), this book has changed lives across the globe and is a perennial international bestseller.
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