Tantrum in a Supermarket.
Before I post the short 250-word story here I thought I would bring you up to date with a couple of achievements I have pooped out in my writing.
I have been published in another online magazine with my story’ Unnecessary necessary’ in Flash Fiction North magazine https://www.flashfictionnorth.com/recentfiction. Bear in mind that this is an open platform publication so it’s pretty easy to get your work out there for any of you writers reading this drivel. My story is about 10th from the top.
Between me writing this post and leaving the library for a short walk something changed. I was going to add here that I was told last week that 2 of my stories had made the long list in an online competition. Then yesterday I was told that that they ha=d made the short list. Nice eh! But hold on there before you start clapping along with me. It turns out that they had made a mistake and they had got the wrong Ian and my work didn’t make the grade. They didn’t mention the other one so I’m hoping it’s got through. It was surprising to have 2 accepted. Anyway, I’ll keep you informed.
So, here is my short story. I have decided to write a few on the theme of everyday things that happen to us, especially this one about the queue in supermarkets.
I hope you enjoy.
Supermarket Sweep
The tantrum the child was throwing in the confectionery aisle was so spectacular that I just had to stop and watch. I offered his mother to buy her son whatever he was after if I could film the meltdown. She told me to fuck off and wouldn’t let me explain what viral meant.
In the canned food section, I pocketed a tin of anchovies. It’s become a bad habit recently especially as I don’t like fish. I astounded myself by nicking a jar of Bovril as well. I wondered where this could be leading.
I got what I really came in for and went to the busy checkouts.
I held the carton of semi-skimmed to my chest and cleared my throat. The woman carried on loading her weekly shop onto the belt, she wanted her moment of power and milked it. When she had finished, she asked the bleeding obvious.
” Is that all you have love?”
To her dismay and my satisfaction, I refused her offer to queue jump.
The alarm went off as I was leaving. Had they tagged the Bovril? Security came over and I decided to throw my own tantrum. As I was screaming on the floor that I would bring all the 124 tins of anchovies back, I became aware of the confetti and applause. The store manager helped me to my feet and congratulated me on being their millionth customer. I was given a £500 voucher and a filthy look from weekly shop lady.