Too much blah blah blah going on and not enough cracking on with it. Waiting to get spotted by a publisher is taking too long. No one has come up to me in the street yet saying ‘hey you! You look like a writer. I want to publish your work and shit on J.K Rowling from a height’ (Just in case you’re reading this J.K, I love your work). As I was posting some book recommendations on my book page, I was surprised at how many books are out there now and doing well that are self-published. I only learnt yesterday that ’50 Shaded of Grey’ went under that umbrella until it was picked up by a publisher. So, I am going to put one of my own out there using that method. I have one completed book that has some snippets you will have read here that I want to hold back till J.K knocks my door) did I mention that I love your work J.K?) I am going to forthwith, get my act together and do it myself. With any luck, this time next year I will be on the bottom shelf of a charity shop that has a closing down sale (the book, not me) but you never know.